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What Is A Yoga Diet? And How to Complete Yours

What yoga diet

There’s a diet for everything these days, some are fads that don’t work whilst others are actually great for losing that hard to shift weight. But did you know that there’s actually a few that compliment anyone on a Yoga regime?

Well there is, and not only is it great for your body and mind but it’s also good for the environment as well. So, you can improve yourself whilst still looking after nature at the same time!

Now I know what you’re thinking, what is a yoga diet and how exactly do I get started on this because I need something to munch on after I’ve finished stretching. Well don’t worry because we’re going to go through everything you need to know about these diets, so strap on a pair of comfy yoga leggings and grab a spoon because it’s time to learn what’s good for your mind and body.

What Is A Yoga Diet?

A Yoga diet may at first seem like a complicated thing to try out, but it’s actually pretty simple if you know what you’re doing and can stick to a regime of healthy eating. According to Yogic and Ayurveduc philosophy, there are three different qualities in nature, raja, tama and sattva. Which are fast, slow and harmony.

These three things are present in all things in our lives and having too much of one over the other can lead to imbalance both in nature and our body. The key to a good Yoga diet is to find something that is slow and brings balance and harmony to your body, which is why sattva-based foods are perfect for any serious Yoga practitioners.

How Can I Complete Mine?

To put it simply, you just have to stick to healthy foods that don’t involve the killing or harming of animals. This is because the removal of creatures from the environment is seen as an imbalance in the eyes of Yoga, which in turn is why so many Yoga diets are confused as being vegetarian or vegan since they don’t involve the eating of meat of any kind.

If you’re still confused as to what you can and can’t eat, then don’t worry we’ve listed a few of the things you can enjoy and a general idea of what to avoid the next time you step up off your yoga mat and fancy a snack.

What to Avoid

Ideally when you’re starting your Yoga diet you should be avoiding meat of any kind, this includes fish and eggs. Anything processed, fried or containing artificial sweeteners is also right out the window as these are seen to contain pollutants which will imbalance your body’s natural harmony.

One to be careful of is canned foods, because you can still enjoy naturally canned tomatoes and fruits but it should be avoided. If you are a fan of a nice glass of wine after relaxing from a strenuous Yoga session then unfortunately you’re going to have to give that up as alcohol, tobacco and any stimulants are generally frowned upon in a Yoga diet.

Finally, anything that’s been microwaved or eaten in a rushed or disturbed environment definitely needs to be taken off your list. Something calming that soothes your mind whilst you eat it is perfect as it encourages a balance between body, mind and soul.

What yoga diet

What to Eat

Well now that we’ve told you what you can’t eat anymore, here’s what you can have to fill in the void that’s no doubt been left by all the things you used to enjoy.

First of all, you can enjoy anything natural, this includes things like fruit, beans, tofu and vegetables, although that doesn’t include onions and garlic so just be careful of that if you plan on seasoning anything.

You can also enjoy plant-based oils like olive oil as well as a range of nuts and seeds. We recommend having some snack packs of nuts around to munch on after each session as the natural energy of the nuts will revitalise you and keep you active, plus it’s a much more healthier choice.

Natural sugars are still allowed, so if you have a sweet tooth you don’t have to worry too much as you can still enjoy something a little sweet as a reward now and then. Herbal teas are actively encouraged, not only for their weight loss properties but because there’s also a range of teas that are great for detoxing the body and improving your overall health.

Natural spices are also allowed, so you can spice up your salads or meals if they feel a little stale and bland. Just make sure that what you’re using doesn’t contain any additives of colouring though.

Finally, any food that’s prepared with love and gratitude before consumption is something you definitely want to take advantage of. Not only is it a healthy meal but enjoying a meal that’s been made by someone you care about will help you balance your body, mind and soul, which is ideal to any Yoga student.

In Summary

Although it may seem a little complicated, sticking to a Yoga diet is actually pretty easy as long as you have enough self-discipline. Like any diet there are going to be times when you will want to call it a day but sticking this one out will definitely pay out for you in the long run as there’s so many positive benefits to it.

From weight loss to improving your wellbeing in both body and mind, there really is no downside to this kind of diet. The next time you strap on your yoga leggings and are looking for something healthy to eat after your routine, why not try out one of the various foods we mentioned above. Perhaps this might get you started off on your very own Yoga diet, after all what’s the harm in improving your own self-image a little.

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